Dear friends and colleagues,
It is with great sadness that we have to inform you that our Maks has passed away. Maks Soršak (1964-2012) worked for Moderna galerija as Deputy Director since 1997. Before that he had worked for the Glej Theater for almost ten years, serving as its acting art director between 1997/98 and 2002/3. He continued to be actively involved in the field of performing arts and also in the sphere of independent non-profit culture (he collaborated with the EPI Center and with Bunker, was a founding member of the Association of Arts and Culture NGOs and Freelancers Asociacija and of the Institute for Architecture and Culture ARK, a coordinator of the Via Negativa Lab project, etc.).
He was also a great enthusiast for sports, in particular football, a player in his youth and later on, a member of the Appeals Committee with the Football Association of Slovenia. It was an inadequately treated football injury that was the cause of his serious medical condition - pulmonary arterial hypertension. Maks did not take his disease as a disability but rather as a challenge: he was one of the initiators of the Pulmonary Hypertension Society of Slovenia and had a number of theater performances revolving around it, entitled "Don?t try this at home," always opening with the Chinese proverb "There is no cure for those who hide their illness."
Maks was our friend and a figure on the Slovenian art scene who fought indefatigably for a better social and material status of artists and other culture workers.
We will miss him dearly.
Zdenka Badovinac and the rest of the team of MG+MSUM
Windischerjeva ulica 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
MG+:+386 (0)1 2416 800,
+386 (0)1 2416 834
+MSUM: (0)1 2416 825
Fax: +386 (0)1 2514 120
History of the MG
Opening of the renovated MG