Library MG+MSUM

Photo: Zmago Rus

Moderna galerija's library was founded in 1947 and is the largest specialized museum library for modern and contemporary art in Slovenia.
The library holdings comprise 68,000 book titles, exhibition catalogues, art journals and other related periodicals. In addition to artists' monographs, exhibition catalogues, books on painting, sculpture, printmaking, architecture, photography, design, new media, museology, and 20th and 21st century art theory there is a selection of 113 magazines and journals dealing with these fields.
The library collection was compiled primarily with extensive inter-museum exchange of catalogues and periodical publications; thus the Modern galerija library has a unique and exceptionally rare collection of exhibition catalogues from 1900 onwards.

The library has a card-index catalogue and a digital catalogue of items. Since 2010 the library has been part of the Slovenian COBISS/OPAC system, with the data on new titles being uploaded as they are acquired, and on the older material gradually.

The library is open:
Tuesday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Wednesday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

For further information, please contact the head of the library, Katja Kranjc.

Tel.: +386 1 241 68 28

Address: Knjižnica/Library MG+MSUM, Maistrova 3, 1000 Ljubljana

Address for the exchange of publications:
Moderna galerija Ljubljana
Tomšičeva 14
SI - 1000 Ljubljana


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Museum of Modern Art

Windischerjeva ulica 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
MG+:+386 (0)1 2416 800,
+386 (0)1 2416 834
+MSUM: (0)1 2416 825
Fax: +386 (0)1 2514 120

History of the MG
Opening of the renovated MG


  • podporniki
(c) Moderna galerija, Ljubljana