MG: Summer Night of the Museums

Saturday, 16 June 2012, 10.00 - 24.00

20th Century: Continuities and Ruptures
Marko Pogačnik: The Art of Life - the Life of Art
and more:
Moderna galerija's publications sold by weight

A raffle - free tickets that bring luck

Save your free ticket - you could win a nice prize!


12 a.m.-2 p.m. Luncheon on the Grass / Déjeuner sur l'herbe

The traditional luncheon, guided tour and workshop for all generations. This will also be this year's last meeting of the Minimalists before the summer vacation.

6-8 p.m. Workshops for children outside the museum related to Marko Pogačnik's exhibition The Art of Life- the Life of Art

Do things have feelings? Can we talk to nature? What can we do when a house is not feeling well? Is there a doctor for the Earth? What are tree spirits like?

The answers to these and many similar questions can be found in the exhibition The Art of Life- the Life of Art Attend a workshops before going in to see the show: you will get aids to help you explore Marko Pogačnik's unusual exhibition and make your own cosmograms and mobiles that will bring positive and creative energy to your rooms, homes and gardens.

6-8 p.m. A guided tour of the exhibition 20th Century: Continuities and Ruptures in Slovene by the exhibition curators Marko Jenko and Martina Vovk

Starting with the entry of modernism into Slovenian art and ending with the year Slovenia gained independence, the exhibition offers several ways of looking at 20th century art. The curators will take turns in presenting such themes as the development of the line of modernism, the avant-garde art of the 1920s and the second reconstruction of the Trieste constructivist space, the art of the Partisan resistance, the OHO Group and the art of the retro-avant-garde of the 1980s.

8-9 p.m. A guided tour of Marko Pogačnik's exhibition The Art of Life - the Life of Art in Slovene by Ana Mizerit

A retrospective of 50 years of Pogačnik's endeavors to redefine the relationship between art and society includes also the latest installation of the model of a 12-dimensional space of the Earth's cosmos made together with Marika Pogačnik.

9-10 p.m. A guided tour of the exhibition 20th Century: Continuities and Ruptures in English by Anita Omejec

10-11 p.m. A guided tour of Marko Pogačnik's exhibition The Art of Life - the Life of Art in English by curator Adela Železnik

6-12 p.m. Jaša The Lovest- sound event
A relaxed get-together outside the museum with music and artistic interventions.

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Museum of Modern Art

Windischerjeva ulica 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
MG+:+386 (0)1 2416 800,
+386 (0)1 2416 834
+MSUM: (0)1 2416 825
Fax: +386 (0)1 2514 120

History of the MG
Opening of the renovated MG


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(c) Moderna galerija, Ljubljana