MSUM: Lecture OLIVER GRAU. Image's Revolution: Media Arts Challenge for our Societies

Tuesday, 29 May, 6 p.m.
Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova - MSUM, Maistrova 3

The lecture will be in English.

The lecture is organised in cooperation with the University of Ljubljana - Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Faculty of Architecture, and supported by the Austrian Cultural Forum

More about Olver Grau:

Never before has the world of images around us changed so fast, never before have we been exposed to so many different image worlds, and never before has the way in which images are produced changed so fundamentally. Discussing the oeuvre of artists like William Kentridge, Jeffrey Shaw, Christa Sommerer and Olafur Eliasson a.o. I´ll show how Digital Media Art has evolved over the last thirty years into a vivid contemporary factor - became "the art of our time". Ironically though Media Art has still not arrived in the core cultural institutions of our societies - it is still rarely collected by museums, not included or supported within the mainframe of art history and nearly inaccessible for many scholars. Thus, we witness the erasure of a significant portion of our cultural memory. Media Art therefore needs as many bridges as possible into our societies, as the talk will demonstrate.

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