Danica Dakić, Triptychon

Danica Dakić, Triptychon, 2007, video still, © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn

25 November - 14 December 2008
Mala Galerija, Slovenska cesta 35, Ljubljana

Danica Dakić, born in 1962, lives and works in Sarajevo and Düsseldorf. She creates sculptural installations, site-specific video projections, and public architectural sound projects to investigate the corporal and global aspects of identity and language, as well as the tensions that arise between collective and individual experiences. From her own experience as a migrant, Danica Dakić deals with construction of identity and belonging through social change, the process of globalization and war.

Recordings for the 3-channel video projection TRIPTYCHON were produced in 2007 in the German Wallpaper Museum in Kassel, in collaboration with young people from a local group of separated, under-age refugees who live together in a shared accommodation project. Cast: Abdullah Jamali, Robel Mesgena and Dju Anh Nguyen. Director of photography Egbert Trogemann, editing Amra Bakšić Čamo, sound design Bojan Vuletić.

Supported by:
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia; documenta 12, Kassel; Head of Government in North Rhine-Westphalia

Special thanks:
German Wallpaper Museum / Deutsches Tapetenmuseum, Kassel; Hephata Shared Accommodation Groups of Separated Under-age Refugees/ Hephata Wohngruppen für unbegleitete minderjaehrige Fluechtlinge, Kassel

Related events:

Lecture by Amra Bakšić Čamo on 3 December 2008 at 7 p.m.

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