Author: Nataša Jovičić

26 January - 29 March 2015
Moderna galerija / Museum of Modern Art, Cankarjeva 15

The exhibition presents the educational tool with completely new methodology in interpreting art for the blind, which was conceived by the art historian Nataša Jovičić. This forms part of the gallery where next to the original picture of Edo Murtić (Highway, 1952) is placed a specially designed stand with five tactile diagrams printed in glass and accompanied by an audio system. A visitor is completely independent, and has the opportunity to study the work of art alongside others where there is silence for intense examination and contemplation created by a detailed audio guide. A didactical tool is created, which is designed for blind and partially sighted visitors, but it can also be used by those with sight. The method consists of five picture layers, by means of which a painting is explained in detail so that a blind observer can 'see' it through tactile experience. The goal is to increase blind people's self-esteem, to open a new window into the art world and to provide them with new knowledge about art history. She would like to invite blind visitors to be able to discover and enjoy, to think freely and to use their imagination without hesitating.

Nataša Jovičić will present her work and its challenges on the symposium on 2 March, which will focus also on good practices in working with the blind and partially sighted audiences in the museums and galleries in Slovenia.

The exhibition is part of the DiTACTA Multisensory collection, established by Nataša Jovičić in 2014 after a successfull Tactile Gallery within the Moderna galerija in Zagreb. The DiTACTA Multisensory collection currently consists of capital works of art from the National Gallery in London, Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Brera Museum in Milan, Ateneum Museum in Helsinki, the National Gallery in Oslo, and Guggenheim Museum in New York.

More information about the project on: http://ditacta.tumblr.com/

The exhibition was made possible by Foundation Croatia House, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, the Modern Gallery, Zagreb, and the Moderna galerija, Ljubljana.

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(c) Moderna galerija, Ljubljana