The History Within

Rachele Maistrello
The History Within

Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (+MSUM)

30 July - 31 August 2014

You are kindly invited to the opening of The History Within, a public art project devised by Rachele Maistrello, which will be inaugurated on Wednesday, 30 July 2014, in the museum plaza at the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (+ MSUM) in Ljubljana. The proposal concludes the exhibition project Handle with Care, Conservation and Temporality of Contemporary Artworks organised by the Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa of Venice in collaboration with the Moderna galerija (MG+ MSUM) in Ljubljana.

The artists invited to present their projects are: Francesco Fonassi, Martino Genchi and Andrea Kvas / Nicola Martini, Andrea Magaraggia, Rachele Maistrello, Elena Mazzi, Fabrizio Perghem and Martin Romeo / Aurora Meccanica, Alberto Scodro, Michele Spanghero on the Italian side; Tinkara Babić, Vanja Bučan, Tomaž Furlan, Meta Grgurevič, Maja Hodošček, Ištvan Išt Huzjan, Mateja Rojc & Simon Hudolin Salč, Mladen Stropnik, Matej Stupica and Veli & Amos on the Slovenian side.

The work of Rachele Maistrello was chosen by a jury made up of Angela Vettese, Culture Councillor of Venice, Igor Španjol, curator of the media arts section of the MG +MSUM of Ljubljana, Stefano Coletto and Rachele D'Osualdo from the Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, and sets out a reflection on the value of the images and their power to change their own statute over time. Starting out from the interiors of the houses near the museum, the artist put together an outright photographic archive, capturing the intimate atmosphere of the houses of the city?s inhabitants with delicate simplicity. At the same time, the artist encouraged the direct collaboration of the local press, interacting directly with the outside through the participatory use of virtual platforms (where users were invited to contribute, sharing personal material). Lastly, the photographs thus obtained were printed onto ceramic tiles and installed in the space in front of the museum. In this process in which the private sphere is projected into the public space, the interior becomes the exterior, and the citizens themselves are called upon to take part in the creation of the work by donating contents. These photo-tiles serve as curious architectural grafts onto the surrounding environment, caught up in the interplay in which the referent is so nearby and yet virtually impossible to discover. As evocative windows opening onto an inner landscape, the images transposed into the public space thus serve as testimonies to a memory open to the passing of time, a hommage to the community.

The event is part of the European project MACC, Modern Art Conservation Center, founded with the aim of creating a cross-border coordination project between the technical and scientific professional figures to be found in the field of the conservation of modern and contemporary art. The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme ?Italy ? Slovenia 2007-2013?.

For more information on the project please visit:

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(c) Moderna galerija, Ljubljana