SHARE - Too Much History, MORE Future

Šejla Kamerić, Happiness, 2010
16 mm on HD

Thursday, 24 aprila 2014, 7 p.m.
Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Maistrova 3

Austrian Federal Chancellery

Dedicated to the commemoration of 1914
SHARE - Too Much History, MORE Future presents contemporary art works reflecting warfares and its consequences
Presentation of the videoedition

Mladen Miljanović, Do you intend to lie to me?, 2012, 14'
Adela Jušić, When I die you can do what you want, 2011, 19' 24''
Irene Sladoje, Paper can take everything, 2010, 7' 02''
Gordana Anđelić-Galić, Original sin, 2010, 9' 36''
Peseckas & Schneider, Comment, 1999/2013, 11'

The video edition ?SHARE? consitutes a collection of 12 video works by Gordana Anđelić-Galić, Maja Bajević, Igor Bošnjak, Mladen Bundalo, Marina Gržinić & Aina Šmid, Ana Hoffner, Adnan Jasika, Anna Jermolaewa, Adela Jušić, Šejla Kamerić, Ernst Logar, Mladen Miljanović, Hermann Peseckas & Tommy Schneider and Irena Sladoje.

A project of the Austrian Federal Chancellery co-financed by the foundation Sarajevo - Heart of Europe.

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